Thursday, July 3, 2008

  • What is computerized physician order entry?
    Computerized physician order entry(CPOE) is computer operating system allows physicians to enter medication orders, lab orders, radiology exams, and many others
    diagnostic tests into an electronic ordering system on a selected patient. Electronic orders replace the need for paper orders with computer access for direct entry of orders. CPOE also cross references drug reaction, allergies and dosage for the physician. CPOE can provide physicians with a safe and effective tool to their practice.

    Why use computerized physician order entry?
    1. The ability to enter orders at diverse locations.
    2. Patient tracking of diagnostic testing and medications.
    3. Preventions of medication and transcription errors.
    ----Checks drug name
    ----Checks route and dosage
    ----Drug to drug interaction
    ----Patient allergies
    4. Improved communication between the pharmacy and physicians.
    5. Improves efficiency of the physician.

    What is the effectiveness of computerized physician order entry in reducing error?
    A study over seen by the Chief of General Medicine Dr. David Bates at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital showed that CPOE had a 55% reduction medication errors. The checks and balances of the computerized order entry system was the catalyst in the medication error reduction. In an Ohio State University study CPOE implementation contributed to decreased turn around times for auxiliary departments.

    How to implement computerized physician order entry?
    CPOE is large under taking for any health organization. The investment in monies, man power and education is well worth the dividends in patient safety. A key point is to research and investigate other facilities that are currently using a successful CPOE. No need to reinvent the wheel when the wheel is already working for someone else. Obtain buy in from physicians and staff. Develop a well design plan for implementation and education. A key importance is to have a highly effective tech support to ensure a smooth transition.

    What are the keys for success?
    Physician buy in and leadership.
    Knowing the operating process of the chosen CPOE system.
    Keeping physician and staff informed.
    Education of everyone involved in direct patient care.
    Adequate support staff from all avenues of the facility.

    CPOE decrease the rate of medication errors. Provides a safer environment for your patient and increases the effectiveness of total care.


    Califorina HealthCare Foundation. (2000). Computerized Physician Order Entry [Brochure]. Long Beach, C.A.: First Consulting.

    Doolan, D., & Bates, D. (2002). Computerized Physician Order. Health Affairs , 21 Retrieved June 7, 2008, from 21/4/180.pdf.

    The Leap Frog Group. (2008). Computerized Physician Order Entry [Brochure]. Washington, D.C.: The Leap Frog Group

    Kyle Krantz 07/03/2008

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